When it comes to learning how to clean sink drains effectively, there are different methods available. Some of them use detergents to clean the drain while others utilize chemicals. Detergents can be bought at your local grocery stores, but the chemicals can be purchased at any hardware store or home center.
What Detergents and Chemicals do?
- Soap is the best solution when you are cleaning sink drains because it removes most of the dirt and debris from your drain but also keeps the area in which you are cleaning nice and clean.
- Chemicals used on the sink drain will remove bacteria and mold from the drain and disinfect your drain area.
- Soak the drain in a solution of one tablespoon of bleach to three cups of clean water for a good cleansing.
- Once the solution has been applied, remove the basin and empty the sink before cleaning the drain.
- Fill the sink with warm water and pour a small amount of dishwashing soap into the sink. Rinse the area thoroughly and then add a generous amount of the water solution to help loosen the soap.
- Add a few drops of ammonia to help break down the soap and scrub the area until it becomes clear.
Cleaning your stainless steel sink drain is one of the most basic but important steps you can take to extend the life of your sink. In addition to that, you’ll want to make sure you’re using the correct tools. The most useful tool you can get for cleaning the kitchen sink drain is a soft bristle brush with which you can clean out clogs, stains, or even mildew. The type of brush that you use, will depend on how deep the clog or stain is and the condition of the drain pipe. While there are many different drain cleaning products available for use at home, don’t try to use any of those products if you aren’t familiar with how to use them.
Here’s a quick guide on how to clean your sink drain.
- The first step is to use a soft cloth to gently scrub the bottom of the drain.
- You can use this same cloth to gently clean the inside of the drain as well.
- When you’re doing these tasks, remember to keep them as gentle as possible. Any harsh abrasive materials or chemicals can scratch the inner lining of the drain.
- Instead, you should use some type of liquid cleaner. Simply dab a cotton ball (or a rag) over the bottom of the drain and work your way back up. This will help remove the build-up and keep your drain free of debris.
If you’ve tried all of the above-mentioned tips and still can’t get your stainless steel sink drain to shine again, it’s time to consider professional cleaning.Many companies out there have trained professionals who know how to clean stainless steel sink drain successfully. They’ll be able to come out right away and take care of the problem once and for all. If you have the time, it would probably be a good idea to hire one of these professionals to clean your sink drain regularly. Doing so will help ensure that your sink drains clean and won’t cause a clog again.